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Sacred Geometry Summer Solstice Summit 2022
Join 5 sacred geometry luminaries share the truth, beauty, and goodness of sacred geometry in this pre-recorded course.
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The Speakers

Module 1: SCOTT ONSTOTT - Sacred Geometry Academy co-founder.
Title: Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Worldview

Module 2: JOHN MARTINEAU - graduated in philosophy from Bristol university and spent a few years in the early computer games industry before completing a master’s degree at the prince’s school of traditional arts.
Title: Coincidence, Geometry of the Solar System, Gravitation, Optics, and Ice Halos

Module 3: MADHU KHANNA - well known scholar and professor of Indic studies, she has written extensively on the art of Tantra.
Title: Sri Yantra - The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity

Module 4: MICHAEL S. SCHNEIDER - educator for over four decades (since 1974). He delights in exploring the intersections of nature, science, mathematics, and art.
Title: The Universe Might Be a Mystery, but it is No Secret!

Module 5: ROBIN HEATH - independent researcher into ancient wisdom, specialising in archaeoastronomy and megalithic culture.
Title: The Sacred Cannon of Number

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