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Digital m-Book Collection

Get all Scott Onstott's digital m-books in this bundle including audiobooks, videobooks, and ebooks. By purchasing this collection, you save 33%.

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If anyone else has done or is doing what Scott Onstott has accomplished with Sacred Geometry in any contemporary sense, I am not aware of it.The book is an essential piece of reading for anyone interested in the subject of sacred geometry. For beginners, it's the perfect place to start as a primer; for advanced students, it's a refreshing place to rethink ideas and reevaluate preconceived notions.Several great thinkers have written about sacred geometry over the most recent decades -- John Michell and Keith Critchlow being two prime examples -- however, nearly all have started somewhere in the middle of it all, assuming that their readers are already versed in the subject. On the other hand, Onstott starts at square one, which is helpful for anyone looking to get started without getting lost.With more people worldwide taking interest in the subject -- scholars, artists, architects, and designers (even EMD visual creators!) -- it would be fitting to see this book become the classic it deserves to be.
I would have valued this book decades ago had I had access to it. Scott Onstott delves into many of the key aspects of these studies, without the baggage of any particular tradition or source. He purposely avoids belief structures. There is the saying, “Follow the money,” and I would say here, “Follow the geometry!” Scott follows the geometry. His concise method works efficiently to aid other students in their individual quests for knowledge and understanding. Scott explicitly states his journey into sacred geometry “resulted in a different way of thinking about everything,” and articulates this as a compelling alternative worldview and philosophical framework.
Many of us have become intuitively awake to nature’s Grand Pattern of order and proportion. Scott’s great contribution reveals this pattern in an explicit and beautiful way. He singlehandedly has mined gold from behind the veil and his contribution to the renaissance of philosophical geometry is simply awe inspiring.
geoff fitzpatrick
Wow Scott, such a beautiful offering. I listened to one of the videos so far of you reading a portion and was really taken in. Your delivery is as clear as I understand you to be, and it was surprising to see that hearing you read it while I read along was actually very helpful. If I had to pause to absorb an idea I was able to pause and re-read without feeling like I had to scrub back through the video and find the moment that you had read it to repeat it. This is a brilliant use of the technologies available to us [in the m-book version] and I thoroughly applaud your utilization of them.Normal text.
A very interesting collection of forms, shapes and numbers representing windows on the hitherto unknown but very intriguing intangible realms of our surrounding reality.
Definitely a book for those wanting to open their perspective about the physical world and its relation to the mental world.
Like a mathematical Sherlock Holmes, Scott Onstott continues to unveil the Hidden Numeric Codes that construct our World.
Scott Onstott continues to impress and inspire. His insights are unique and profound, balanced by his humility and grace, and grounded in undeniable mathematical correspondences. Not only does he present what could easily be dense topics in an easy to understand manner, in doing so, he cuts to the core of his message. The ‘hidden order of the universe’ is a playful mystery that seemingly wants to be found, for, if it is hiding, it is doing so ‘in plain sight’. Looking through the geometrical and mathematical lens Onstott applies to the world, a kaleidoscope of wonder opens before us. His use of example and straight-forward approach make the infinite seem within reach, yet he also frees the science from being dry or stuffy by presenting all of this with a level of beauty and artistry that is rarely attempted, let alone accomplished.
author & co-Founder

Scott Onstott

Scott has taught thousands of students in person and millions online in his career. These experiences, combined with co-hosting workshops where we support concentration, contemplation, and meditation, plus sharing circles—gave him a deep appreciation for the fact that each person can best be reached by varying modes of attention. From these transpersonal experiences, and his experience in building the courseware at SGA, the possibility for a multidimensional book arose.
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Patrick Jones - Course author
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