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Squaring the Circle
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Why You Should Enroll
This course is designed to both deepen your understanding of Sacred Geometry and to experience how this universal language can radically expand your worldview and connect you with the source of being.
Sacred Geometry appeals to both our left and right brain hemispheres simultaneously. We all have a desire to understand, to know, and comprehend the inner logic that sacred geometry embodies (left brain). Additionally—and equal in importance—is the inner experience that is evoked by contemplating and meditating on the qualities of geometry (right brain).

A transformation occurs when you begin to see the world through a new lens.

You ARE Sacred Geometry
All around you, inner and outer reality at all levels is imbued with sacred geometry. The ratios and proportions that ripple from the top of your head to the tips of your toes are all expressions of the truth, beauty, and bliss of sacred geometry. Onward and outward, the planet you live on, and its nearest satellite are a beautiful geometric harmony for you to behold any time you look up at the moon. Our solar system too is continually shining with profound geometric beauty and truth, inviting you to tune into the pattern of order that binds all of reality together.
We cannot wait to share this new way of being in the world with you!
This course is an invitation for you to abide in the awe & wonder that emerges from the felt experience of connecting with our enchanted universe. We believe our reality is woven into being by a sublime universal intelligence that is calling us to consciously interact with it.
This whole project, the creation of Sacred Geometry Academy, and the design of our intensive online workshop is our response to the deepest calls of our souls. It has been a joy to create—we have poured the sum total of all our findings and discoveries into this very special 8 module experience!
This whole project, the creation of Sacred Geometry Academy, and the design of our intensive online workshop is our response to the deepest calls of our souls. It has been a joy to create—we have poured the sum total of all our findings and discoveries into this very special 8 module experience!


Introductory Session

Circle & Square Relationships

Sacred Geo Greatest Hits

Drawing & Mandalanature
Course Syllabus
Squaring the Circle
Meet Your Teachers
Geoff Fitzpatrick
Scott Onstott
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