Our special guests are truly inspirational teachers for us all. Their combined work is a treasure trove of deep wisdom that opens you up to seeing the world in a whole new way.
For over 2 decades we have been obsessed with Sacred Geometry. Running workshops, writing books, making mandalas, creating art, and deeply meditating upon Sacred Geometry has ignited our spark to share the Truth, Beauty, and Bliss this world holds for you. This is the reason we created Sacred Geometry Academy. This is what people are saying...
All our guests are Senior Wisdom Teachers. These authors have dedicated decades to the study of Sacred Geometry in their own way, presenting original findings not found elsewhere. The collective wisdom embodied in the Sacred Geometry Summit Panel cannot be found elsewhere and has never been presented on the web in this way. Their ideas are original, inspirational, outstanding insights into the nature of reality.
"Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent." -Pythagoras